
Friday, August 31, 2012

You're Stronger Than You Think You Are

So Yolanda had us doing lots of lunges and squats in our Body Works class last night.  One thing that kept resonating with me...when we were on our last set using the heavy weights and it was getting really tough to keep the form and raise the weight one more time...she'd call out "You're stronger than you think you are!"  When we were doing side plank raises, she'd call it out again "You're strong than you think you are!"  She must've said this 6 or 7 times throughout the hour and by the time the hour was through, I believed her.  

One of the biggest things I think we all struggle with is believing that we CAN be successful in our weight loss journeys.  We all have big confidence issues when it comes to fitness and healthy living.  We had tried and failed so many times...what would make this time any different?  For was just KNOWING that THIS TIME would be different.  THIS TIME, I am different.  THIS TIME, I'm not giving up.  No matter how many times I stall or for how long, THIS TIME I'm not going to give in and resign myself to being fat and unhealthy.  THIS TIME I'm going to push through.  THIS TIME I'm committed.  THIS TIME, I know I'm strong enough, physically and mentally, to get where I want to be.  

Pardon me for not linking back but no time for that this morning, but we have great role models of people overcoming their lack of confidence to do great things.  BethAnn and Holly are doing crossfit...the epitome of building strength and endurance.  BethAnn has written how she hates always being the slowest or last and Holly has written of progressing from lifting a pvc pipe to actual weights.  They are stronger than they think they are!  By continuing to do this they prove this to themselves every time they run a little faster, lift a little heavier and can do more than they could the day before.  Every time JRD goes to yoga and can stretch a little further or rides her bike to work and can get there a little faster, she proves it.  Every time Adorkable walks a little less and runs a little more.  Every day Jenn gets to the gym or the other Jen uses her lunch hour to work out.  THIS TIME, they can do it!  And the days they don't want to where motivation or laziness or frustration or despair tries to get in their way, they need to remember they are stronger than they think they are!

It's a mental game folks.  I truly believe that the only thing that gets in our way is ourselves.  We have to BELIEVE we can do the things we set out to do.  I have to BELIEVE that I can run 3 miles quicker than a turtle's pace.  I have to BELIEVE that I'll be able to pull myself up over walls, walk on balance beams, run up a really steep hill, drudge through mud and then jump over fire.  I have less than 2 months to make that a reality.  I have less than two months to train my brain that I CAN do that.  I am stronger than I think I am.  

It's not just physical strength.  We all have our crosses to bear, the obstacles of life, the emotional ups and downs that come with it.  There are deaths, job losses, natural disasters, familial upheavals, financial distress and geographical relocations that can all create havoc in the mind.  Combine one or two of these and it can start a domino effect where nothing is good in your life.  It is in these times that we must remember that we all have good things in our lives and things to be thankful for.  Sometimes we just need to look a little harder to see them.  We will get through anything life throws at us...keep breathing...keep going...We are stronger than we think we are.

Last night, as this post was forming in my head, I realized that I had heard these words before.  I couldn't put my finger on where until my girls came bounding down the steps with whatever mess they had been working on and it clicked.  Winnie the Pooh.  They have a book called "Winnie the Pooh's Grand Adventure."  I think they may have made a movie out of it at one time but I'm not sure.  Anyway...Christopher Robin has to go to school and leave Pooh and his friends alone during the day and so he tells them:
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

And we are.  We ALL are!

And on that note...a Friday Funny:


Run, Chelle, Run! said...

This was a great post and really resonated with me. I've written before that being so successful with the band makes me think, well, why couldn't I do it before? Even though that's a ridiculous thing to think. My surgeon says "who cares if your success story has a band in it??"

Thanks for writing this out - you are so right!

jennxaz said...

Some days I believe in myself...other days not so much...but the days I believe myself are increasing and that is a hurdle I am jumping! Great Post MandaPanda---and you have changed---you seem to be ready to take those last few pounds off.....and I do not doubt that they will.

Anonymous said...

What a great post and one I needed today.
You will be able to do the mud run and you will be so proud of yourself for doing it!!

A.J. said...

I doing stuff too!! I am getting Zumba certification.

Mar's kids said...

Winnie the Pooh! I thought immediately of that Christopher Robin quote as I started reading your post, and lo and behold, you got it, too!

Go, MandaPanda, GO!!!

JD said...

Aw shucks!!! It's true-it's ALL mental. I have to keep an eye on my self talk bcs that's the thing that will derail me, and it's the thing that makes my yoga classes/bike rides easier too!!! Great post girl-you got this run!!!! Xo

Jen said...

This post is exactly why I adore you!! You are 150% correct!! When I think about all the things I've overcome, things I thought would literally break me down and I wouldn't make it through it (nothing health wise but everything else) I'm amazed at how much I can handle! You will do awesome in the Warrier Dash and you will kick ass!
have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Winnie The Pooh and gang, they are definitely a bunch of winners in my book!

Have a healthy holiday weekend!

Amy said...

So true...even in my weakest moments, I am still so much stronger than a year ago. It was inside me, I just didn't know it :)

tz said...

Great post. You are so right, this really is a mind game that we have to overcome. It's not just about doing the work for our bodies with eating and exercise, but also with how we think about ourselves, the world, our food. I sometimes struggle with believing I am strong enough, so this post was very fitting for me today. Thank you!

Holly from 300 Pounds Down said...

Awesome post! I'm going to have to bookmark it so I can remind myself that I'm stronger than I think I am. It's true. I don't know why it is that I can do more things when I have someone in my ear telling me I can. I think that is where group fitness can be really useful to us. At the same time, I want to develop that voice in my head. The one you talked about. So that I can tell myself on the weak moments "I can do it". We can get there!! I'm so happy for your encouragement!

Sam said...

Great post, something that we all need to hear and believe :o) thanks!

adorkbl said...

Great post missy. I agree!! I am continually amazed at the things my body lets me do after all the abuse I put it through. So much of this is mental. We are stronger than we think!!

Rhonda said...

Truth spoken here!

Reggie said...

You are on it Manda! Thanks for the words of wisdom.