
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Busy Week Continues

So I sign up for the gym but I haven't actually GONE to the gym.  I realize that simply joining the gym will not make the lbs melt away...I really do.  However, I was so gung ho about going back and ready to take the leap that I forgot how busy this week really was.  Hmmmm... But it's OK.  Looking at classes now and might go tonight.  We'll see.  Moving on....

Cable guy came yesterday...AGAIN...and replaced the same effin' cable that the last cable guy replaced last week!  WTF????  (I guess this'll be my WTF Wednesday post...thanks Draz).  I mean...seriously?  Then even though I haven't touched the damn thing, the guy's looking at me as if I'm the one who tucked it under the carpet where there are nails that could go through the stupid cable. was your buddy who was here last week you giant douchecanoe.

So after work today, I'm taking my youngest daughter for her early kindergarten assessment.  Have I explained this?  I don't remember and don't want to go back to check.  Basically, if you turn 5 between September and December, you have to be assessed to see if you're ready to go into kindergarten early.  No, I don't think my daughter is a genius or anything.  But after having gone through public school kindergarten with my oldest, I'm concerned that if we wait another whole year, she'll be bored and she's definitely the type of kid that will get into trouble if she's bored.  So we're having her assessed.  If they say she's ready, great!  If not, it's another year at preschool which is just fine and dandy too.  The only thing that annoys me is that the assessment is at 3 pm.  Even kids that have already been through kindergarten are cranky and uncooperative at 3 pm!  Here's hoping she gets a good nap today...

My inlaws get into town tomorrow.  I've never gone into too much detail about them as they are the spawn of the devil and I don't want them sic'ing their minions on me.  Basically it's been 2 years since Hubby or I have even spoken to them.  They get notes from the girls, pictures, a phone call on holidays.  But it's always the girls.  Hubby and I don't participate.  This could get very ugly but hoping it stays civil.  You just never know with these people.

I didn't sleep worth a darn last night.  I've been having night terrors ever since I got word those people were coming to town.  Combine that news with the general busy-ness of this week and the stress creates bad news for MandaPanda's subconscious.  Last night, I was totally exhausted, thought I'd finally get a good night's rest but wound up not even really laying down to sleep until 10:30 (I wake up at 4:30) but then there was this BANGING coming from the neighbor's wall (townhouse...we share walls).  But it sounded as if someone could be banging on the door.  Dear Hubby who was already mostly asleep when this happened just grunted "What's that?" in an almost accusatory tone as if I was the one banging.  (In his defense, with the night terrors, I am often the one who's making noise and keeping him up) but seriously?  When I tell him I have no idea, does he get up and investigate?  Does he grab a bat Mike-Brady-style and head downstairs to "check it out"?  Or better yet, grab that gun I know he keeps just in case someone tries to kill us and see what's what?  Oh no.  I got up and went downstairs (unarmed, mind you...I'm an idiot) and checked the front door...even opened it to make sure someone wasn't begging for help or something...checked my phone (as if a burglar would call first?  What the what?)...checked on the girls (because if I heard it and am scared, they must be terrified. asleep)...then finally crawled back into bed.  But it totally messed with my psyche for the rest of the night.  Not good.  So today is a high caffeine day.  Embrace the caffeinated beverages my friends! (uncarbonated of course).

So where does all that leave us?  On a Wednesday.  It's Hump Day my merry followers!  And every Hump Day should have a Happy Thought because without those, it's just another day.  However, I'm finding it hard to be inspired or have many deep thoughts today so in honor of my get this...


Morgan said...

Let's get your in-laws and my in-laws in a cage and let them fight to the death...of course they sound like they might just get along and breed!! Just what the world needs, more idiots!!

If shit gets nasty with them, just say you have to go to a class at the gym! It will be a great excuse and you will get some exercise in.

vickyd said...

If the in-laws get out of hand you might just so happen to remember something that you HAVE to get a root canal...but seriously, I hope their visit is uneventful and over quickly!

Kristin said...

I hope you make it to a class, and it sounds like a very busy week. Make time for YOU!


Steph said...

Good luck with the inlaws...That can be majorly stressful, I'm sure. Hopefully the testing will go well. Next month Sarah has to go through the next round of IQ testing for her to get into the gifted program. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

jennxaz said...

should have called me..I was up all night with a crying kid whose ear hurt...ughh I second the caffeine day! Inlaws.....totally agree...mine are similar Have a great day

Momee3021 said...

Well you cable guys are just a bunch of 'COX' HAHA get it???

The kindergarten thing sound a bit stressful - Is this a private school? I have a November baby and he started school when he was 3 but turned 4 during the 1st 1/2 of the school year and he did great except would fall asleep on the bus on the way home - too cute. He was my second and was sooo ready to go to school - Good Luck!

Regular In-laws stress the crap out of me and I couldn't even imagine what you're going through. Pray for it to be quick and painless.

Sorry about your sleepless night too!!

It really can only go up from here! Take care!