
Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday Already?

I swear there just aren't enough hours in the day.  So I had a very busy weekend.  After several lice treatments and hours of combing through the girls' hair and my hair, I think we have taken care of the lice.  We'll do the recommended repeat shampooing next weekend and hopefully that will be the end of it.  So other than treating ourselves for lice, what else did we do?  We cleaned out and organized the office and my bedroom.  For the record, both of these rooms have been woefully neglected the past several months...accruing trash, old bills that needed to be shredded, old law directories that needed to be thrown out, shoe boxes stacking up, etc.  So after Saturday and Sunday, we had this to haul out:
The moving survey people are coming today to figure out how much stuff we have so I had to get a clearer idea of these 2 rooms.  I also washed every piece of clothing (at least it seemed that way) and sheets and towels that we have in our house.  Now I just have A LOT to fold.

On Sunday, we also went and got our haircut (once we were sure we were lice free, of course).  I was only going to get a trim but then got a bug up my butt and chopped it all off.
Maddie with her short bob

Lori wants to grow her hair to her butt (sigh) so we just trimmed the bangs and took off the ends

So now it's back to work for another fun filled week.  Lori is turning 5 on Thursday.  Our tradition is the birthday girl/boy gets to pick dinner...she wants Chick Fil A so there ya go.  I think we're going to do her actual family party on Friday with balloons and cake and she says she wants to see a movie so we may do that on Saturday.  I was going to do an indoor play thing with a couple friends but decided against it.  I may change my mind again.  We'll see.

This week's focus is on not snacking out of stress.  Wish me luck.

Monday DEMotivator:


Colleen said...

Love your haircut, so cute.

Sarah G said...

Anything soft (stuffed animals, blankets, pillows etc) should be put in the dryer on HOT for 30 minutes. Anything not washer/dryer safe should be bagged and left alone for 30 days.

jennxaz said...

love your hair and the kids! You look great! good for you on conquering the "trouble" rooms :)

Run, Chelle, Run! said...

Ooh, I love your hair! It's about that time for me too to get it chopped again.

I also love the bags of stuff! I decluttered a hall closet and my closet this weekend and it makes me so happy!

Elizabeth said...

Cute hair for all three of you!! So sorry about the lice!! :(

Sam said...

It's all about the hair :o) & they are all cute cuts! Isn't amazing how much stuff can build up over time so that you end up throwing so much out in the one go. I think I need to do this...

adorkbl said...

Love the hair. Way to go with the cleanup. How motivated are you.