
Friday, October 1, 2010


1. Are you late, early or on time?

Before children, I was always least 10 minutes.  Now, I'm RIGHT ON TIME.  There's no wiggle room so if traffic's a mess, I'm screwed.  This drives me absolutely crazy.  I can't wait until they are old enough where I don't need to get them ready to go and they move faster than a snail's pace.  I agree with Drazil on this one...I think being late is kinda rude.  I have friends who are chronically 30 minutes for everything.  What makes them so special?

2. Name 3 things you dislike and 3 things you like:

Having no money by payday
Political bumper stickers
Atheists who can't accept Christians and Christians who want to shove God down everyone's throats (Explanation: I'm a news junkie - always on or and somehow the arguments often wittle down to the existence of God.  It seems that some atheists think anyone who believes in God must be a complete moron and probably need help tying our shoes.  Then there's always another person who answers the atheists quoting bible verses and condemning them to hell and if this argument means anything to an atheist.  I just don't know why we all can't agree to disagree...)
When my kids are acting all sweet & happy
Going to the movies (I only do this maybe 3 times a year these days...such a treat)
Sleeping in
3. Are you a morning or night person?
Prechild, I was a night person.  Up all night, slept during the day...never woke up before 11.  Now that I'm a responsible parent of two...I guess I'm a morning person.  I mean I get up at 4 a.m. to go to work and my kids are up by 6:30 even on the weekends.  Do I like it?  No.  I yearn for retirement. 
4. What is your favorite clothes store?
Fashion Bug.  They have regular sizes and larger sizes.  The larger sizes are the same styles as the smaller ones (over all) so you don't feel like they're trying to make you look fatter by putting huge flowers on things. 

5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in life and in blogland.

My life was beyond dull this week.  Work was crazy busy with meetings and home life was seriously lacking quality time.  I'm hoping I can get on a better schedule with things and have some more energy to do stuff with my girls.  Blogland was pretty dull as well.  It was consumed by Chicago.  The pics are great but not many posts coming out of it.  Those of that didn't go were whining about not being able to go. I look forward to when the time comes for normal blogging again.  I miss the regular posts and progress of other bloggers.


Patrick said...

1. Are you late, early or on time?
EARLY Always. Never late. Never!
2. Name 3 things you dislike and 3 things you like:
Dislike; negativity, $4 coffee, the Green Bay Packers
Like; positivity, 50-cent coffee, the Chicago Bears
3. Are you a morning or night person?
Morning if I must choose.
4. What is your favorite clothes store?
Cabellas, it is where I but my hunting clothes
5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in life and in blogland.
Excellent. Met some new bloggers, had fun woth bloggers I've enjoyed for months. FUN, in a word.

Amanda said...

Let me tell you I was so angry at these people who were standing and walking around during the flight! EVERYONE had to pee. Not just them. But the last thing I wanted to do was stand. I don't get it!! PS I dislike political bumper stickers too!!

Jenny said...

LOL I love your #4!!

Phil said...

1. Are you late, early or on time?
ALWAYS on time, and it infuriates me when people don't extend me the same courtesy.

2. Name 3 things you dislike and 3 things you like:

Not being in a graduate job yet
Religion (NOT faith, but the institutions that man has created in the name of God/Allah/Vishnu/{insert name of deity here]).

A GOOD malt whisky, like Macallan.

3. Are you a morning or night person?


4. What is your favorite clothes store?


5. Repeat question: Summarize your week in life and in blogland.

Good - lots of feedback on my posts, although i am possibly spending too much time online as i have too much time on my hands at the minute.