
Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 2, Take 2

And so it is Monday....

I finished my second week of the Couch to 5K program and I just don't feel ready to tackle Week 3.  I'm gasping for breath by the end of my 90 second jogs right now and I know there is just no way, at my current level, that I can jog for 3 minutes.  It just ain't gonna happen.  So I'm going to go through the Week 2 runs again this week.  Hopefully, this extra week of building up my stamina will help and I'll be ready for Week 3 next week.  I'm not upset about it.  It's a process and while this program is supposedly to get "couch potatoes" up and running, I do believe I am in worse shape than most couch potatoes.  I also figure it would take me closer to 12 weeks, as opposed to 9 so I'm okay with this.  My ankles and shins were killing me yesterday when I started jogging and I don't want to risk injury or plain de-motivation by moving on too soon.  I am going to listen to my body and go at my own pace.  I think as long as I'm still trying, I'll be alright.

In Walk for the Cure news...we have a team name and it's suprisingly NONE of the ones I posted earlier.  My friend who is walking with me lost her mother to breast cancer and she wanted to incorporate her mother's name into our team name.  I think it is a lovely idea.  Her mother's nickname was Violet so we're going to be the Pink Violets.  I think it's very sweet and I'm very proud to be walking in her mother's name.  I'm also already thinking about how cute our t-shirts will be with a pink violet on it.  Wonder if I can find a screen printing company to make a pink violet for me?  Hmm....something to work on.

Weekend was good...uneventful.  Was rooting for the Colts but oh well.  Happy for New Orleans.  Rented Julie & Julia and will do a whole post on that movie because I absolutely loved it!  Hope y'all have a great week!

1 comment:

Amy W. said...

That is a good name. Gentle and meaningful! I loved LOVED LOVED Meryl Streep in that movie and I am currently reading Julia's autobiography---which the part about her was based on!