Success but I am HONGRY!!!!
I had an Atkins shake, sugar free pudding, cheese soup, broth, over 64 oz of water and 8 million cups of coffee. I did treat myself to 8 oz of chocolate milk as a before bed snack. Since my doc didn't require a preop diet, I don't do self deprivation well so I am very crabby. On top of this little liquid dealie, my time of month arrived yesterday. Lovely. So a couple notes....
In an effort to return to habits that kept me successful the first couple years, I resurrected my 16 oz Starbucks cup. And I didn't fill it with Starbucks. Score! This was how I used to get all my water in while I was at work. When I moved, it got retired...not really sure why. I dug it out yesterday and got all 64 oz. Amazing, eh?
I only managed one of these yesterday and in my opinion, that was one too many. Ick!
This was my saving grace. I was still so worn out from the weekend that I needed a lot of this yesterday. Kept me sipping all day.
It occurred to me that I didn't tell you what I did over the weekend. I drove up to SC for a brain cancer benefit. They raised lots of money, I got very drunk, partied with my sister and her husband and then drove home hung over on Sunday. Good times. :)
So now we're on to day 2. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.
I read several blog posts yesterday about people starting over and I found myself putting the same comment on these blogs so now I'll put it out here. Some people may find it sad, pathetic or a failure that I am constantly starting over. THEY'RE WRONG! As long as I'm starting over, then I'm not giving up and as long as I'm not quitting, then I'm not failing. I'm winning. I think we should all remind ourselves that as long as we never give up, then we're victorious.